A Harmonious Order: Form and Feeling: Workshop with Manan Kapoor

Bergin O'Malley
James Merrill House, Merrill Apartment 107 Water Street Stonington, CT 06378
Email: jmhprograms@gmail.com or call 860-772-8266

A Harmonious Order: Form and Feeling

A unique opportunity to gather in the Merrill Apartment for a poetry writing workshop
inspired by James Merrill's poems. We will read some of Merrill’s poems and discuss his
use of forms like the haibun, villanelle and pantoum. Then, we will experiment with
writing our own poems using those forms and discuss the possibilities which arise with
closed forms.

Manan Kapoor is the author of A Map of Longings: The Life and Works of Agha Shahid Ali. His work has appeared in The Los Angeles Review of BooksHarvard ReviewBoston Review and The Caravan Magazine among others. He is an editor at Harvard Review and a PhD candidate at the Department of English at Harvard University where his work focuses on modern and contemporary poetry and poetics.

Please visit our website at https://www.jamesmerrillhouse.org/ For questions, please email jmhprograms@gmail.com

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Activity Price Quantity Total
Merrill Object-Based poetry workshop Manan Kapoor $25.00
Merrill Object-Based poetry workshop Manan Kapoor
  Total: $0.00